Can throw federal govt out in 15 minutes, claims Khattak

NOWSHERA: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) provincial president Pervez Khattak said Sunday the federal government could be overthrown instantly if Imran Khan wanted to.

“If the PTI can send the Punjab government packing and form a government there, an end to the federal government is not a big task and I can do that in 15 minutes,” said Pervez Khattak, the former federal minister. He was speaking at different gatherings while inaugurating development schemes.

Pervez Khattak took to task the rulers after accusing them of making life miserable for the masses by introducing an unprecedented price hike. The former chief minister said the coalition government was responsible for the spiraling prices of the essential items and fuel, adding even then the International Monetary Fund was not ready to extend any relief to Pakistan.

He was critical of the Pakistan Democratic Movement chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman for pursuing, what he alleged was, power politics for his family and cronies. “Maulana Fazlur Rehman has got his son named a minister and secured a slot in the federal government for the son of Akram Khan Durrani. He is eying Islamabad, not any service to Islam,” said Pervez Khattak.

Pervez Khattak criticised the rivals for, what he believed was, blowing out of proportion the foreign funding case. “There is nothing objectionable if funds are collected from the party workers,” he argued.